How to install ESS from Emacs 1. create/visit (C-x C-f) file .emacs with following: (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) (package-initialize) 2. Evaluate the buffer by any of these: 1) run Evaluate buffer from Emacs-Lisp menu or by entering M-x eval-buffer 2) place cursor at the end of each line right behind the closing paren and 2)a) run Evaluate last S-expression from Emacs-Lisp menu or 2)b) press C-x C-e if something did not work you will be put in an errors buffer called *Backtrace* 3. run M-x package-refresh-contents 3. close emacs and re-open emacs. run M-x package-list-packages 4. either scroll to ess or search by C-s for Statistics . It will land on another package first, so enter C-s again and again until you land on ess . Press i to mark for installation. The...